Data and Telecom Networks References

      1) Improvement, development and maintenance of the networks of triple buildings of the Ministry of Agricultur for 2 years (both in the active and passive sectors). Having at least 1500 workstations in this network (including computers, servers, printers, scanners, etc.) shows the high volume of that project.







      2) Designing, supplying equipment along with the installation and commissioning of the building of the Industries Organization. This project is one of the most important and prominent projects of this company in this field. Designing, supplying equipment and finally installing more than 22 kilometers of CAT6 network cupper cables, as well as installing and operating more than 400 workstations (Nodes), creating cable paths in metal tray models and Legrand trunking throughout the project, shows its volume and importance.







  • Unit 4, No. 53, Jalal-Ale-Ahmad Exp West (34 W), 1464778915 Tehran,
  • IRAN
  • +98 (0) 21 88237297
  • +98 (0) 21 88629778
  • info [at]

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